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Find your Inspiration

What is your inspiration? Well inspiration can be found all around us! It can come in the form of a new idea, career opportunity, a special song, vacation spot, other creative people, or a beautiful flower! I have recently been inspired by a social media consistency challenge, the participants in this challenge are phenomenal and so inspiring. The vibes from the challenge has motivated me to post on my blog daily. The Verzuz battles on Instagram have been a source of inspiration too! The display of talent, mutual respect between the artists, and music vibes have been so good for my soul. I was so inspired that I blogged about the battles immediately, it was something I had never done before.

Inspiration can be used as motivation to move your life forward or move you into a different direction to accomplish your goals. Sometimes all it takes is a small step, a small glimpse of hope to propel you to greatness. Use this newly found inspiration to step out of your comfort zone and embark on something new! Go ahead, get started by closely observing your surroundings and find your inspiration.

You will be happy you did!


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