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Why you should always be thankful...

Most people wait and show their gratitude and thankfulness during Thanksgiving! I make it a habit to show my gratitude and appreciation EVERYDAY! This month is special because it includes my birthday and this year has been full of major accomplishments that I never dreamed of! Even in the midst of uncertainty and adversity, I am still thankful!

Everyday, I remind myself of the things I am thankful for including:

a) Being able to open my eyes in the morning

b) My feet for carrying me throughout the day

c) Ears to hear the music and the morning news

d) Warm clothes, running water, and electricity that flows

e) A car that runs well and public transportation too

f) A loving husband, two parents, sisters, nieces, nephews, family, friends, and my favorite cat

g) A place of employment and creative talents

h) Most of all I am thankful the uncut Word and His grace

These are just a few things that I am thankful for. I constantly remind myself of these things knowing I could complain but there are so many people without. In a blink of an eye your life can change forever. I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessing and all of the lessons I have learned along the way!!!!!!!!!


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